Worlds Fastest Animal

Hi my name is Maggie.

Room 4 literacy has been learning about The worlds Fastest Animal.

My highlight was doing all the work.

And my lowlight was nothing because it was so fun to do and yeah.

Thank you for visiting my blog. please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Wanted stonefish

Hello everyone and my name is maggie and today me and my literacy class has been leaning about sea creatures.

My highlight was doing all of the work that I did and yeah.

My lowlight was nothing because it was fun doing the wanted stonefish and that it was so easy to do.

Hope you have a great day.:)


Maggie polygons(a)

Hello my name is Maggie and today I’ve been learning about maths which is polygon. polygons is kinda like a shape but is different

My highlight was naming all the shapes.

And my lowlight was doing my own polygons.

Thank you for looking at my polygons.

Ugly angus 6 gorund rules for talk.

Hi my name is maggie. And today I’ve been talking about 6 ground rule for talk.

My highlight was saying all the questions and saying what it means.

My lowlight was restarting my video which was kinda hard.

Thank you for watching my ugly angus gorund 6 rule for talk video.

Maths Measurement- length

Hi my name is Maggie and today we had been learning about  Maths measurement- length.  It was about kilometers,Metre,Centimetre and Millimetre.

My highlight was that I was having fun doing Millimetres to centimetres and that I was enjoying my work.

My lowlight was actually nothing because I was having fun and enjoying myself.

please leave a positive comment on my blog, Thank you 🙂